The cost of new playground structures and resurfacing projects is substantial. A recent school playground project in Lethbridge on a structure that was only 22 years old cost nearly $600,000. Our plan is to replace the pea gravel with pour in place surfacing because it is wheel chair accessible and helps greatly reduce fall related injuries.
We are making every effort to ensure our project is as cost-effective as possible while still having a quality playground for our students. Based on our current plans, we estimate a total project cost to be $375,000 for the upper playground. We are working hard to apply for grants and donations from large organizations; however, we humbly ask for support from our community members to make this dream a reality for our school.
Rotary Club Club has graciously stepped in to champion our cause this year and has several fundraisers lined up for early 2022. The Dine & Dance, Duck Race and Golf Tournament are all events you can support in 2022. Generous proceeds from these events will go towards the new playground.