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Why is the Playground Important?

We reached out to Shirely Paulson to ask about her thoughts on the value of the Playground at the Cardston Elementary School. Shirley was an incredible Grade One teacher for twenty years and anyone lucky enough to have had her as their teacher at CES knows what a caring and impactful teacher she was.

"Experiencing the School Playground as a teacher… What a valuable place the school playground is…watching children interact with each other …listening to their conversations…how they make friends…how they keep rules…how they react to situations when rules are broken. The school playground promotes developing social skills, fine motor skills, good behavior, creativity as well as burning off energy and getting fresh air. Ask children in the lower grades what their favorite subject at school is and many of them would say “RECESS”! Probably much of the fun had by elementary students is found on the school playground. Families often come after school together to bond at the playground.I love bringing my grandchildren to the school playground right across the street!"


Shirley Paulson-Retired Grade One CES Teacher

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